Forex Wave Rider is a manual system that is traded based on a convergence of 2 indicators and is ideally suited to the EURUSD currency pair. As the EURUSD and USDCHF are negatively correlated, often trades may be taken on USDCHF instead of EURUSD if the indicators are better aligned. As it is a manual system it is not traded 24 hours a day, and for good reason. It is anticipated that the majority of the trades for the system will be late Asian and during the European trading sessions. The AUDUSD pair is also monitored and will be traded if the conditions appear likely for a wave continuation and a 10-15 pip profit, however the AUDUSD is not as predictable as the EURUSD due to the lower liquidity levels.
Trading forex is not so much a competition where you are trading against banks and hedge fund traders, it is a battle in your own mind and this is where I believe the game is won or lost…more