From the FXWW Chatroom – *$1.1060/72 Dec15 high/Oct 30 high
*$1.1045/54 200-dma/100-dma
*$1.1025-30 Medium offers
*$1.1011 Dec16 high($1.1009 Dec 25 high)
*$1.1000-10 Strong offers
*$1.0992-00 Medium offers;$1.0992 Dec29 high/$1.1000 expiry E600mn
*$1.0970 76.4% $1.0992-1.0899
*$1.0946-56 50%-61.8% $1.0992-1.0899
*$1.0942-43 Hourly highs NY Dec29
*$1.0936 Intraday high Asia
*$1.0933 ***Current Price 0614GMT Wednesday
*$1.0919 Intraday low Asia
*$1.0899/91 Dec29 low/55-dma($1.0897 Oct28 low)
*$1.0885 Medium demand at and below
*$1.0870 Dec23 low
*$1.0856/48 Medium demand/Dec21 low($1.0845 50-dma)
*$1.0805/03 Dec18/Dec17 lows
*$1.0796/92 Dec7 low/50% $1.0524-1.1060